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Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol / Additional Learning Needs

O fis Medi 2021, bydd y fframwaith Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig yn cael ei ddisodli gan system newydd a diwygiedig o'r enw - Deddf Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol a Thribiwnlys Addysg (Cymru).

Bydd gofyn i bob ysgol yng Nghymru wneud newidiadau i'w systemau cyfredol. Rydym yn gweithio ar y cyd â Sir Caerdydd a Chonsortiwm Canolbarth y De i sicrhau trosglwyddiad esmwyth i'r Ddeddf ALNET.

Gwyliwch y fideo sy'n esbonio sut y darperir ar gyfer Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (ADY) yn ein hysgol.  I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, darllenwch y dogfennau isod a fydd yn cael eu diweddaru o bryd i'w gilydd.

Gofal ADY ym Mhen-y-Groes

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From September 2021, the Special Educational Needs framework will be replaced with a new and reformed system called – Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act.

All school in Wales will be required to make changes to their current systems. We are working in collaboration with Cardiff County and Central South Consortium to ensure a smooth transition to the ALNET Act.

Watch the video which explains how Additional Learning Needs (ALN) are catered for in our school. For further information please read the documentation below which will be updated periodically.

ALN Provision at Pen-y-Groes

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Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol yng Nghymru - beth sy'n digwydd?

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Additional Learning Needs in Wales - what's happening?

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Llinell Gymorth ADY Cyngor Sir Caerdydd i rieni a gwarchodwyr/  Cardiff County ALN helpline for Parents and Carers

Ebost / Email:

Ffôn / Phone: 029 20872731

Gwybodaeth i Rieni a Gofalwyr Information for Parents and Carers

Canllawiau Rhieni ADY / ALN Parent Guides

Animeiddiadau i Rieni a Dysgwyr ADY / ALN Parent Learner Animations